About Deep Blue Capital

Deep Blue Capital is a highly automated proprietary trading firm specialized in statistical arbitrage that only trades with its own capital (no clients). We have achieved consistently high returns and continue to grow strongly as we invest in new markets and new trading strategies.

Who we are

Our story begins in 2002 when our founders, two associate professors in mathematics, established a separate R&D department at an existing trading firm. What started out as a part-time project has turned, after many years of hard work, into a flourishing enterprise. We separated from the trading firm in 2008 and established our own company, Deep Blue Capital, named after the IBM computer that beat Garry Kasparov at chess in 1996. We are regulated by the AFM and DNB since 2014. The firm operates out of a single office in Amsterdam and is mid-sized.


We strongly believe in coupling human creativity with automation. If something can be done by a computer than we think it should be done by a computer. Humans provide creativity, do research, implement automation and interpret news. We develop new trading algorithms using statistical methods, working in small diverse teams. We only hire skilled graduates with a strong quantitative background.

We have a fairly flat organisational structure and do not like red tape, politics or hype. Good ideas are taken seriously no matter who they come from. We are informal and don’t wear suits in the office: it’s what’s in your head that matters, not what’s on your back.

What we do

We are a highly automated proprietary trading firm that operates without clients, using only our own capital. We operate a number of statistical arbitrage strategies that trade on over 30 equity and futures markets worldwide. The strategies are implemented using our in-house software platform. They do not rely on low latency. Given our high degree of automation, we have no human traders, only risk managers that monitor the trading decisions made by the computer programs.