What Alliander does
We are a major Dutch grid operator supplying millions of customers with electricity and gas each day. We ensure an energy supply that gives everyone access to reliable, affordable and renewable energy under equal conditions. Now and in the future.
Our corporate culture
Alliander employs people who are committed to meeting the needs of our customers, actively making contact with them, understanding their needs and helping them to meet their goals. Our professionals tackle projects with due care in a complex and dynamic environment. We exercise our profession with passion and dedication each day, and work together in the search for new ideas and innovative solutions to further improve the service we deliver.
What can you do?
At Alliander you choose your own challenge. You can do a feasibility study on the distribution of more energy with fewer cables. Or you examine what capacity a transformer needs in an energy self-sufficient neighbourhood. Or you could help us indicate wat choices we should make in planning for an energy network for 2035. The energy industry is so dynamic that your opportunities here are unlimited. We offer four different kinds of traineeships: in management, technology, IT and finance. You will be encouraged to develop your own career pathway and with your fellow trainees, you will also participate in various training activities geared to your personal development.